PRP – Platelet Rich Plasma skin rejuvenation (The Vampire Facelift®)
- Do you want to know how so many Hollywood celebrities stay looking beautiful?
- Do you want the secret to restoring your skin’s youthful radiance and glow?
- Do you want to look the best you can for your age?
- Do you want all this, and a completely safe treatment that harnesses the healing power of your own body?
What is the Vampire Facelift®?
The Vampire Facelift® uses the power of Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) – the stem cells and growth factors taken from the platelet cells in your blood. PRP is widely used in other areas of medicine and surgery, for example to speed up the healing of wounds and burns, as well as in heart and orthopaedic operations.
The genuine and authentic Vampire Facelift® was devised in the USA by Dr Charles Runels MD, and since its introduction has created a media frenzy. This unique and completely natural treatment has helped to restore the natural beauty of thousands of patients and celebrities around the world.
Dr Runels’ official Vampire Facelift® protocol uses only the most effective systems for harvesting the growth factors and stem cells and for stimulating and regenerating skin, to create the volume and shape that restores natural beauty.
The Vampire Facelift® at Skin Excellence Clinics
Dr Strawford has been using PRP for wound healing and skin treatments for nearly 10 years, and was lucky to be one of the first doctors in the UK to train with the Vampire Facelift® treatment protocol.
Only doctors trained and licensed through Dr Runels MD are legally allowed to use the term Vampire Facelift®. This is to assure you as a patient that your Skin Excellence doctor knows the ‘trade secrets’ of how to safely and effectively harness the power of PRP growth factors and stem cells.
That’s why it’s important to only choose a trained and licenced doctor for your Vampire Facelift®.
For a list of the official providers worldwide, visit the Vampire Facelift® website at
What does PRP treatment involve?
The first stage of the process of the Vampire Facelift® is to inject small amounts of hyaluronic acid (HA) filler to begin sculpting specific areas of the face. The HA filler replaces the skin’s natural glycosaminoglycans – which hold water like a sponge and give volume and shape to the face – but are lost as part of the body’s ageing process. This initial injection of hyaluronic acid is the precursor to the ultimate desired shape and form.
The second stage is the refining and polishing of the sculpting process, which ultimately contributes to the appearance of a younger version of you.
The third and final stage of the Vampire Facelift® process is to harness and use the growth factors from PRP to stimulate the unipotent stem cells in your skin and facial tissue.
PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma and Vampire Treatments), Face, Body and Hair
is effective for:
- restoring natural beauty and shape
- loss of volume to the face
- fine lines and wrinkles
- crow’s feet
- tear trough hollows
- dark circles
- smoker’s lines
- temple hollows
- crepey neck and décolletage
What happens during the procedure?
During your initial consultation, Dr Strawford will assess the degree of volume loss and laxity in your skin, and advise you on the most suitable treatment to achieve your desired goals.
Before we start the PRP treatment, we will need to assess the three stages of facial skin ageing. These stages are measured by changes in:
– skin colour, due to a decrease in the underlying blood flow
– the shape of the face, due to the loss and weakening of underlying collagen and muscle that causes laxity or droopiness
– the texture of the skin, as it loses smoothness and elasticity.
Dr Strawford will also discuss with you the lifestyle and other factors (such as smoking and the use of medically-active skin care products) that will affect your response to the treatment.
We will take photographs of your face before, during after the treatment, to monitor your progress and response to the procedure.
It would helpful if you could bring to the consultation any photos of you taken 10-15 years earlier. We may be able to use these as a guide, to help restore and enhance your appearance as naturally as possible.
Before the procedure
The treatment starts by taking a small amount of blood from your arm (about 10mls) in the same way as a standard blood sample.
This blood is put through a process of cell separation and centrifugation, to produce the high volume and concentration of platelet cells and growth factors that makes the genuine Vampire Facelift® procedures so effective.
While the blood is being prepared to extract the PRP, Dr Strawford will inject small amounts of HA filler into the areas of your face where shape and volume needs to be restored.
Tiny droplets of the PRP are injected into the areas with the HA filler, using the mesotherapy EU222™ ‘meso-gun’. The filler acts like a sponge, keeping the growth factors in place. The PRP stimulates the stem cells in that area to produce new collagen and fat cells, thereby increasing volume and restoring shape.
Dr Strawford then uses a DermaPen™ micro-needling device over the whole face. This device creates a micro-trauma to the skin, which stimulates the available growth factors in the PRP and stem cells to produce new, youthful-looking skin.
During the procedure
Most treatments take between 45 and 60 minutes.
However, we also apply an anaesthetic cream before the procedure, which needs up to an hour to take effect.
How long does the treatment take?
Most treatments take between 45 and 60 minutes.
However, we also apply an anaesthetic cream before the procedure, which needs up to an hour to take effect.
Is the treatment painful?
The treatment should not be painful, as we apply a topical anaesthesia to the skin up to an hour before starting the treatment.
Most patients report only minimal discomfort from the procedure.
Is the treatment safe?
As PRP treatment uses your own blood cells and tiny amounts of a simple, biocompatible hyaluronic acid filler, the risks of adverse reaction or complication are negligible.
At Skin Excellence Clinics, we only use the latest technology to prepare your blood separating out the PRP – the state-of-the-art ‘Magellan TruPRP’ laboratory cell separation system.
Unlike non-regulated systems used by some clinics, ours is an FDA-approved closed system, so there is no risk of contamination with anyone else’s blood (thus avoiding risk of serious infection). The Magellan TruPRP is the system of choice for many hospitals worldwide that use PRP in surgery and medicine.
Is there any downtime following treatment?
There is usually some short-term redness, swelling and minor discomfort in the treated area, which may last for a few hours. Bruising to the area is less common, but if it does occur it can be easily covered by makeup.
Most patients return to normal activities and work the next day.
How many treatments will I need?
Most conditions need between 3 and 5 sessions for best results. We recommend these are between 4 and 6 weeks apart.
Because we only use the most effective Magellan TruPRP system, which obtains a higher concentration of PRP and growth factors compared to other inferior PRP systems, most of our patients usually only need one Vampire Facelift® treatment.
In exceptional cases, a second treatment can be performed if needed, after an interval of at least 3 months.
How soon will I see the results of the treatment?
Most patients see an improvement in the volume and shape of their face – and the appearance of their skin – within 4 to 6 weeks.
Because of the high concentration of growth factors in the official treatment protocol of the Vampire Facelift®, truly outstanding results are usually seen. The effects of PRP are often referred to as the ‘Vampire Glow’, due to the improved blood supply to the skin in the treated area.
How long do the results last?
Results from PRP therapy vary, but most will last up to around 18 months, and some up to 2 years.
To help preserve the results of the treatment, we recommend top-ups after about 12 months.
What do I need to do before and after treatment?
As the treatment harnesses your natural healing and regenerative capacity, avoiding known harmful behaviours – such as smoking and excessive UV exposure – is important following treatment.
We also advise you to avoid taking aspirin and non-steroidal medication (such as ibuprofen) for a few weeks following treatment, and always use high factor sun protection.
Is anyone not suitable for PRP treatment?
If any of the following situations or health conditions apply to you, you would not be suitable for PRP therapy.
– Pregnant or breast-feeding.
– Undergoing anticoagulant therapy, such as warfarin.
– Platelet Dysfunction Syndrome.
– Thrombocytopaenia.
– Haemodynamic instability.
– Sepsis.
– Acute or chronic infections.
The Vampire Facelift® uses tiny amounts of hyaluronic acid dermal fillers, combined with growth factors and unipotent stem cells taken from your blood, to provide a custom-designed procedure for restoring your natural beauty.
For many years know scientists have known that unipotent stem cells lie dormant in the skin, waiting to provide the building blocks for healing and repair when we sustain an injury such as a burn or cut.
Until recently, doctors had no easy way to stimulate those stem cells to regenerate new tissue. By utilising the platelet-derived growth factors (PRP) from a patient’s own blood, we now have the ability to activate the patient’s unipotent stem cells to grow new, younger-looking skin.
The Vampire Facelift® takes the cosmetic rejuvenation process to a higher level.
The activation of platelet cells (PRP) to release their growth factors is an essential part of the process and is done by using methods that are natural to the body.
The best way to visualise PRP is to remember that when the skin is healing itself, for example from a cut, a yellow substance is produced beneath the scab as part of the repair and renewal process.
This substance contains what is known as the ‘fibrin matrix’. Effectively our own natural PRP, it holds all the growth factors in place, which then activate the nearby stem cells to repair and produce new skin to heal the cut.

The Vampire Facelift® Treatment Video
Prices from:
(Consultation Fee payable in advance £50)
Vampire facial £750
Vampire facelift £1200
Vampire Hair restoration £750
Course of 2 hair restorations
£1200 to be paid in advance
Celenis PRP Facial – £600
Courses of 2 – £1000
Celenis PRP Hair Restoration – £600
Courses of 2 – £1000
treatment summary
Number of treatments?
Usually 1
Procedure time?
60-90 minutes
Discomfort level?
Topical cream
Recovery time?
12-24 hours
Back to normal?
Next day for most patients
Final results?
4-6 weeks later
Duration of results?
1-2 years in most patients